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Track Record of Excellence

Anne-Mette Nyland

Born 1957 i Norway. 

Member of BKF og Copydan Billedkunst

Represented in Artguide Denmark 



Drawing & Paint Academy, Bergen, Norway. 1977-78 

Art Academy, Aarhus, Danmark. 1982-84


Highlighted Exhibitions: 

2019 Missisippi, Thy.

2017 Vilhelmsborg, Aarhus.

2016 Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe and Bondi, Australien. Bewegter Wind, Hoggeismar, Tyskland

2014 Silence in the North, Bodø, Norge.

2013 Fragments, Arguineguin, Spanien.

2011 AreEFaktor, Ikast.

2010  Galleri New Form, Trelleborg, Sverige. Nuuk Kunstmuseum, Grønland.  Art EFactum, Ikast.

2009  Galleri NordNorge, Bodø, Norge.

2008 Hillerød Kunstmesse. Galleri Molevit, Skagen. Galleri Bram, Hobro. 

2007 Art Herninng. Frame Shoppe & Gallery,  Aseville, USA. Galleri Sjøgata, Bodø, Norge. 

2006 Galleri ArtEfactum, Ikast.  Art Herning. Galleri Uggeby. Galleri Bram, Hobro Hillerød Kunstmesse. Galleri Arton, Gøteborg, Sverige. The Sausalito Art Festival, San francisco, Usa. Galleri Lykke, Odense.

2005 Art Kunstmessen, Herning. Galleri Bram, Hobro. Galleri Alba, København. Horsens Kunstgalleri.  

2004 Art Kunstmessen, Herning. Galleri Ho, Viborg. Top Danmark, Ballerup. Galleri Bram, Hobro.  Art Copenhagen.  Avenue Art Gallery, Endicot, New York. 

2003 Belle Kunst, Stouby. Horsens Kunstgalleri. Galleri Rødhusgaarden, Pandrup. Galleri Gerly, København. Gallerie Bram, Hobro. Art Cubic Gallery, Barcelona, Spanien. Galleri Alba, København. Art Copenhagen. 

2002 Art Kunstmessen i Herning. Galleriet ved Kirken, Århus. Galleri Brantebjergs sommerudstilling. Nykøbing Sj. Farum Kulturhus. 

2001 Kunstmessen Hillerød. Galleri Loke, Gram. Galleri Alba, København. Galleri Brantebjerg, Nykøbing Sj. Galleri Compagniet, Kragerø, Norge. 

2000 Galleri Y, København. Galleri Brantebjerg, Nykøbing Sj. Galleri X, Rungsted. Galleri Alba, København. 

1999 Galleriet ved Kirken, Århus. Galleri Embla, Tromsø, Norge.  

1998 Galleri Muusbek, Harrislee, Tyskland. Nordland Musikfestuge, Bodø, Norge. Kunstnernes Hus, Århus. Galleri Den Gyldne Løve, Åbenraa. 

1997 Galleri Den Gyldne Løve, Åbenraa. Kvindemuseet i Danmark, Århus.

1996 Constantinsborg Gods, århus. Galleri Den Gyldne Løve, Åbenraa.  

1995 Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersborg, Rusland. KS-Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, Tirstrup. “Salon Europeen d’art contemporain de 

Chouzy”, censureret udstilling, Frankrig. 

1994-95 Nordisk Vandreudstilling. Åbo-Finland, Bergen-Norge, Århus-Danmark.  

1992-93-94 Galleri Franciska, Århus. 

1991 Kunstnernes Hus, Århus.

1986 Musikhuset, Århus.  

1980 Bryggen Museum, Bergen, Norge. 


Funded by: 

Kulturministeriet, 1993. Brødrene Krabbe, Århus, 1994. Århus Kommunes Kunstnerstipendium, 1994-98-2001. Den Ingwersenske Fond, 1994. Nordisk Forum, 1994. Nordisk Kulturfond, 1994. Kulturministeriet, 1995. Det Danske Generalkonsulat, St. Petersborg, 1995. 


Other artistic Corporations:

2006-16 Teaching small groups In creativity and meditation In Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

2014 “The creative space” - a project for Mørkved nursing home for dementia, Bodø, Norway.

2001 Amnesty International, Torture victims among us, group exhibition, Aarhus Art Building.

2001 DK / Tibet Friendship Association art auction, Ridehuset, Århus.

1998 Vejle Municipality's Art Auction for Unicef.

1998-99-00 Project “Open Doors”, Aarhus.

1997-98 Layout and consultant on the Art Calendar published by the Women's Museum in Denmark.

1994-95 Arranged in collaboration with Helle Antonsen “Nordic Walking Exhibition”, 9 Danish artists exhibited in Finland, Norway and Denmark.

1993-94 Participated in the project "Creation" by Karen Søgård, in collaboration with the Nordic Institute and Skrivenda; Poetry and visual art.

1991 Arranged for Galleri Franciska with support from the Nordic Culture Fund, 10 separate exhibitions with Nordic female artists.

1986-95 Hand-decorated calendar cover for the Art Calendar published by Galleri Franciska.

1989-95 Gallery Franciska's Board of Directors.



2014 Nordconsult, Bodø, Norway - “Fingerprint” an employee project.

2011 LEO PHARMA - decoration of executive rooms

2010 Dialogbænken, task for the Danish Refugee Council in collaboration with Oscar San Juan Buetas.

2010 Facade decoration, Waxis, Aarhus.

2007 Helse Nord, unit for radiation therapy, Bodø, Norway.

2004 Decoration of reception and meeting rooms at Bavarian Nordic A / S, Kvistgård.

2003 Scenography "The legend of the three rings", Langenes Church, Aarhus.

2002 Scenography "The legend of the three rings", Mårslet Church.

1999 Outdoor playground in Børnehaven Fredensgade, Århus.

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